CWM-YP170F8 Rotary Weigher
Suitable for products like seafood, poultry, frozen products, especially for fillets.
- Features
- Spesifications
1.Designed with food and pharmaceutical hygiene standard, single style POM trays are suitable for delicate and hard to manage product.
2.Sturdy and robust construction easy to maintain, full stainless-steel wash down, waterproof IP65.
3.On board touch screen operating system is easy to use with user password protection, store up to 99 product setups.
4.Record up to one-year production data, exportable to USB Flash Drive with optional Bluetooth connectivity.
5.Weight Graders are designed for grading and packing fish, poultry and meat products targeted foodservice and processing businesses. As the pieces move along the grader, the system’s tray would drop each individual piece into the correct chute for its grade.