How Metal Detectors Perceive Products

Product Effect refers to the magnetic and conductive fingerprint that are perceived by metal detector devices. Every product has their own different and unique Product Effects. That is why it is crucial to take into account the magnetic and conductive properties of the said product (and the environment where the detection process takes place) which will affect the very outcome. A failure to do so will result in inaccuracy.
Every product, be they metal or organic matter, has their own magnetic and conductive properties, and during the Product Learning process these properties will be detected by the aperture (opening) of the metal detector device. The device will therefore will perceive these certain product specimen as the normal, or referral, or model and will not set off any alarm.
Note I: Contaminants smaller than the set Product Effect value is undetectable.
Meaning: If the set Product Effect value is 0.5mm, the device cannot detect contaminant the size of 0.3mm.
The design of metal detectors allows the device to be triggered by a certain condition. To trigger it, these condition must be met: Detection Alarm = Sensitivity Value + Product Effect + Contaminant Value.
Ideally, the Sensitivity Value and Product Effect should be below Detection Alarm condition. This ensures the detection of even the smallest contaminant. Product Changes, however, changes from time to time. Variations in Product Effect creates a larger “grey area”, which then lessens the Sensitivity Value. In this case, contaminants need to be larger for the sake of consistency in detection.
Note II: Larger Product Effect Variation = Less Sensitivity.
Keep in mind that the orientation can affect Product Effect. For an example an object made of the same material, the same size and weight being tossed into water. One is shaped like a pencil, the other like a cube. The cube will surely make bigger splash on the water. Splash here represents Product Effect value. Upon entering the detection field, the product makes this “splash”. This “splash” will then determine whether it’s Product Effect the metal detector is reading, or Product Effect and contaminant.
Note III: Orient the product to the worst-case Product Effect value to minimize the possibility of false alarm.
Remember that a partially frozen product (which is supposed to be frozen) will make a considerable difference to the Product Effect value. How much your product is frozen affects the Product Effect value, and will improve the Sensitivity value. Hot products will have noticeably higher Product Effect value.